Demon Under Glass

The city of Los Angeles is being terrorized by a serial killer who preys on youthful females and bleeds them dry after abusing them. With no calling card, no tangible forensic evidence and a growing list of victims, a specialty force made up of highly skilled authorities is called in. When one of their own goes in to trap the killer, will she come out alive, or will the killer have the upper hand?

Dragoncor Productions first feature film is the winner of Best Vampire Film at the 2003 International Press Association’s Vampire Film Festival. Fangoria Magazine says:
“Crackerjack premise with surprising intelligence and imagination.”

And Bruce Fletcher from the Another Hole in the Head Film Festival says:
Demon Under Glass is an ambitious, thought-provoking low-budget indie made by genre fans for genre fans. Cunningham delivers a refreshingly modern take on the ancient vampire mythos.”


Dr. Joe McKay thought the ordeal was behind him. His life was thousands of miles and years away from the Delphi Project and its Vampire subject, Simon Molinar. He was a respected doctor at the prestigious Walter Reed Medical Center. He had a beautiful longtime girlfriend he planned to wed. Even his relationship with FBI special Agent Ethan Saybrook had drifted to friendship instead of handler and subject. Life was good. Though Joe still could only sleep while in direct sunlight, life was good.

“The problem with sunlight, Joe, is that the sun goes down.” That soft, cultured voice was not another nightmare. Simon Molinar was in his home. In less than ten minutes, Joe was graphically shown that his life in D.C. Had been a complete sham – even his beloved Sybil was about to betray him. The Delphi Project had been reborn, and he was to be their star test subject. Molinar had come to save his life, and for reasons Joe couldn't explain in a million years, he believed him and left with him.

Thus, begins a peculiar alliance and a wild adventure. After barely escaping capture, the pair go on the run to the universities and colleges that have parts of the old Delphi research. Their plan is to expose enough of the project to a public weary of frivolous government spending and discredit it. Unfortunately, Ethan Saybrook is on their trail thinking he is rescuing Joe from the Vampire.  In addition to evading capture and hunting for evidence on Delphi, the pair often find themselves embroiled in other adventures. Some of them involve...things...that worry even a vampire.

Principle photography on the first six episodes begins in December 2010. The series premiers in February 2011.

For more info, press kits or interviews, contact D.L. Warner Interviews will be available after principle photography begins.


Garett Maggart
Dr. Joe McKay
Joe McKay, M.D.   A once troubled Doctor who was rebuilding his life when he gets a unique opportunity to head a prestigious and secretive government project going on at the Veterans' Hospital where he worked. What he finds is an extensive and elaborate study of one individual that the Delphi Project claims is a real vampire. It turns out to be true. However, Joe finds there is a charming and engaging patient beneath that label. He becomes increasingly uneasy with the experiments Molinar is forced to endure and his hand in inflicting torment. He is also having trouble reconciling the charming, well educated man with the vicious killer Molinar admits to being. There is also the disturbing attachment Molinar is developing toward him. It all comes to a head when the project director lures Joe into the isolation chamber with an unrestrained Molinar intent on making Joe his permanent companion in the project as Joe has the gene that makes him susceptible  to Vampirism. Joe is spared when Molinar has an opportunity to escape, but not before promising he will come back for Joe. The nightmare seems to be over. And then it begins again with Molinar as his rescuer.

Owen Szabo
Simon Molinar
Simon Molinar A nearly two thousand year old being who has seen and done almost everything. His life was quite dull by his standards when he gets wind of the Delphi Project. The idea of being studied intrigues him, so he sets out to be found and captured. However, the capture and subsequent treatments frighten and enrage him. And in the midst of these unfamiliar emotions, Molinar finds himself growing attached to Joe McKay, the first human being who has ever been kind to him while knowing exactly what he is. When he realizes that Joe has the same gene as he does, the idea of having such a funny and intelligent companion permanently greatly appeals to him. He is even willing to bear Joe's wrath at being forced to change. However, the chance at freedom is too important to pass up. Besides, he knows he can come back for the doctor anytime. And he does, but surprisingly, it's to rescue him.

Lance Wesley
Ethan Saybrook
Ethan Saybrook Special Agent Saybrook enters the picture in the wake of Molinar's escape. He is charged with protecting the traumatized Dr. McKay and debriefing him for the official report. Saybrook moves McKay to Washington D.C. Where he is to start a new life. Over the years, they become close friends. The agent finds Joe to be one of the most personable people he's ever met. He's appalled by what happened during the run of the Delphi Project and shocked at the Bureau's role in it. In his mind Molinar is a continuing threat to Joe's safety and sanity. Thus, he is dumbfounded by the fact that Joe left his home willingly with Molinar and actively assisted him in evading capture. That is, until he discovers that Delphi has restarted and wants his friend as a test subject. Now, Ethan must balance Joe's safety with the vampire versus his safety from Delphi. He decides to keep chasing them while also aiding them in discrediting the project.


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